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Welcome to the

Roosevelt Island jewish congregation

Our Temple in the Cultural Center

Over 40 years of prayers, services & more...

High Holiday Childrens Services

One of the many family friendly events


RIJC Holidays

Annual observances of festivals & holidays, including Tu B'Shevat &  more...

RIJC Events


Adult Learning!


Cantor Sarah Myerson, Spiritual Leader.  Nina Lublin, President.   


The RIJC has been a strong community presence here on Roosevelt Island for over 40 years.  We are fortunate to have among our friends & members, people who have been here since the late 1970’s & early 1980’s, along with some of their children & 

grandchildren, as well as more recent arrivals with their multi-generational presence.  And we continue to welcome new Island neighbors & friends of all ages & backgrounds.

SHABBAT Services, led by Cantor Sarah Myerson, continue on Fridays March 7, March 28.   Our additional Shabbat dates can be found on the Coming Up page.

The RIJC encourages friends & neighbors to host Oneg Shabbats in their homes on those evenings after services.  If you would like to be graciously involved, please contact Nina to volunteer.

FOOD & JEWISH IDENTITY— A New 3-Part Class with Susan Lees began Wednesday January 29th & will continue on Wednesdays February 26 and March 26, from 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm.   Susan invites You to join her to talk about food and Jewish identity and practices around the world and through time.


The first conversation was about food in the Bible and how we interpret what is in the text; February 26 will be about kashrut, how it developed and changed through time; and March 26 will  be about the symbolism of festive meals. (Sorry, we won’t be cooking anything)


Susan is happy to send you the exact location, reading materials & more information if she has your email address. Contact her at



Our new Monday-night activity, Song Circles with Amber Levanon Seligson, continues on Monday February 24, at 7:30 pm.  Amber continues to teach us 3 wonderful melodies & the stories and meanings for these songs.  Amber also provides participants with a special beautiful setting for singing.   No singing experience is necessary; curiosity and openness to try something new is especially welcome.

Contact Amber at   for exact location & with any questions or suggestions.



Winter /Spring 2025 Hebrew School classes are in session.

Please contact Michal at  for exact schedule & location, enrollment information & more.


Continues at the home of Michal Melamed; contact her at for details & to join the “reminder” list.



Tu Bishvat is here, the birthday of the trees!


It’s difficult to determine exactly when a tree is “born;” is it when the seed is released from the parent tree? When the first root bursts from the seed? When the first stem emerges above ground? What do you think?


In Judaism, we celebrate the 15th day of the month Shevat each year as the collective tree-birthday. That date, 15 Shevat, is written in Hebrew as ט״ו בִּשְׁבָט and pronounced as Tu Bish-vat. Join us Thursday evening February 13 at 5:30 pm for our RIJC Tu Bishvat Seder! Location in your email or contact Nina.


We’ll sing songs in Hebrew, English, Yiddish and Ladino about trees, we’ll drink four kinds of wine or grape juice (from white to mixed to red), and we’ll enjoy four types of fresh produce (all of the permutations of edible and inedible, inside and outside).   *We strongly remind you that there will be several types of nuts being offered.

There will be child-friendly activities as well as adult-friendly guided conversations around our Jewish relationships with the natural world through kabbalistic, environmental, mystical and activist lenses. You don’t need to be able to read Hebrew, all texts will also be provided in transliteration. All are welcome!


PURIM! — Thursday March 13th at 5:30 pm, Details & Location to be announced. 

Please see the brief preview on the Coming Up page.

Suggestions & Questions always welcome & appreciated.

Looking Forward ...


Cantor Myerson

Cantor Myerson, Spiritual Leader -- Nina Lublin, President --  Steve Kaufman, Treasurer 
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