Welcome to the
Roosevelt Island jewish congregation
Our Temple in the Cultural Center
Over 40 years of prayers, services & more...
High Holiday Childrens Services
One of the many family friendly events
RIJC Holidays
Annual observances of festivals & holidays, including Tu B'Shevat & more...
RIJC Events
Adult Learning!
Cantor Sarah Myerson, Spiritual Leader. Nina Lublin, President.
The RIJC has been a strong community presence here on Roosevelt Island for over 40 years. We are fortunate to have among our friends & members, people who have been here since the late 1970’s & early 1980’s, along with some of their children &
grandchildren, as well as more recent arrivals with their multi-generational presence. And we continue to welcome new Island neighbors & friends of all ages & backgrounds.
SHABBAT Services, led by Cantor Sarah Myerson, continue on Fridays November 8, 22 and December 20. Our January - June Shabbat schedule coming very soon.
A Special Shabbat event, to be led by one of our RIJC members, is tentatively scheduled for Friday December 6. Specifics to be posted here & announced via Email.
The RIJC encourages friends & neighbors to host Oneg Shabbats in their homes on those evenings after services. If you would like to be graciously involved, please contact Nina to volunteer.
A special message from Cantor Myerson:
In this week's Torah parashah (portion), God says to our ancestor Avram “lekh-lekha,” Go! And Avram begins his journey. A physical, geographical journey from his father’s home in Haran to the unknown land of Canaan. A theological, spiritual journey from the tangible yet inert idols of his childhood to faith in a god without form, who nevertheless speaks intimately with Avram. A journey of personal identity and affirmation, adding a letter of God’s name, hey, to his own and to his wife’s, as Avram and Sarai became Avraham and Sarah.
Debbie Friedman and Savina Teubal thought deeply about this command, and in imagining what else God might have said to Avram at this pivotal moment, left us with this beautiful song. Their lyrics are based on Genesis 12:1-2, which they have expanded to include some of the aspects of God’s later blessings to Avra(ha)m. In an effort to write Sarai/h back into the story as a key player, Friedman and Teubal use both the masculine (lekh-lekha) and the feminine (lekhi-lakh) form of the Hebrew imperative, Go!May we all be blessed on our journeys. Looking forward to celebrating Shabbat together this Friday, at 7pm on November 8!
Fall 2024 Hebrew School classes continue on Thursday afternoons.
Please contact Michal at michalmelamed@yahoo.com for exact schedule & location, enrollment information & more.
November 18th Song Circle
Please join Amber and your friends and neighbors for the October Roosevelt Island Jewish Congregation Song Circle! We will meet on Monday November 18th from 7:30-8:30 PM / Please contact Amber for the exact location.
She will teach three melodies, and we will sing them together, and enjoy each other's company in communal song. All are welcome! No singing experience is necessary. You are welcome to reach out with any questions at alseligson@gmail.com.
We always appreciate your presence at our Shabbat services, holiday celebrations, adult learning, Hebrew School, dinners & special events. Your generous financial support — whether joining the RIJC for the first time, renewing your membership, or making donations ensures the services of our Spiritual Leader and our Guest Rabbi, our presence in our Sanctuary in the Cultural Center, & so much more
Now is the right time to visit the Membership Info page at RIJC.org & support your RIJC via the PayPal link, or by writing a check made out to the Roosevelt Island Jewish Congregation & mailing it to RIJC P.O. Box 241 Island Station New York, NY 10044.
Suggestions & Questions always welcome & appreciated.
Looking Forward ...
Cantor Myerson